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Vocal coaching

Said about Mia as Vocal coach

"Mia har været en fantastisk hjælp for mig i mit forberedende arbejde til den vokalt meget krævende hovedrolle som Krolock i Dance of the Vampires på Det Ny Teater. Mias store erfaring og dygtighed som sanglærer og vocal coach har givet mig optimale muligheder for både at arbejde videre med min stemme og min sangteknik og samtidig integrere helt nye måder at arbejde med stemme, resonans og åndedræt. Jeg oplevede et trygt, tillidsfuldt, inspirerende og meget lærerigt samarbejde med Mia, som får min varmeste anbefaling!"
Peter Jorde, actor
"Mia Karlsson er intet mindre end en fremragende lærer, som ikke kun tager udgangspunkt i stemmen, men i hele elevens personlighed. Mia er meget konkret i sin undervisning og finder hurtigt frem til de øvelser, som kan videreudvikle stemmen bedst muligt. Udover det tekniske, bliver der også lagt stor vægt på det dramatiske udtryk og på hvad man ønsker at formidle gennem sang. Man føler sig tryg og bliver mødt med det største engagement og varme."
Lærke Juul Hansen, actress
“Mia is an exceptional teacher who understands the needs of her students and tailors her lessons accordingly. I have used her for audition preparation and been successful because of her. She gives confidence and for me, she made singing fun and a pleasure. As an actress that sings rather than a musical theatre performer I needed an extra boost which she gave me. I have recommended her to many friends all of whom praise her highly. She is the best singing teacher I've ever had”.
Joan Walker, Actress

Phantom of the Opera

Said about Mia as Christine Daaé

“Mia Karlsson is an incredibly gifted actress and singer, she is one of the best Christines I have ever seen and heard. “
Tony Kaplan, Kvällsposten, Sweden
“She interprets the role wonderfully. Mia Karlsson impresses from the very start with a voice which seems to fly light as a feather over the notes and yet shows such strength with this heartfelt interpretation... She creates a compelling role which seems to spring from genuine feelings and reaches across the edge of the stage.”
Yvonne Erlandsson, Skånska Dagbladet, Sweden
“She suffers beautifully and her endurance is delightful.”
Jakob Steen Olsen, Berlingske Tidende, Denmark.
“...perfect singing with her light and crisp soprano voice”
Gregers Dirckinck-Holmfeld,, Denmark
“Mia Karlsson who speaks and sings in an almost faultless Danish accent delivers an excellent performance in this vocally demanding role. Her expressive, rich and supple soprano is perfectly able to demonstrate Christine’s depth of feelings and arduous emotional journey – from an insecure newborn singer to a passionate artiste; from a trembling youth to an independent and determined woman. “
Fredrik Fischer, Ystads Allehanda, Sweden

Les Miserables

Said about Mia as Cosette

“Mia Karlsson, who greatly impressed as Christine Daee in the Phantom of the Opera in Spring, makes a perfectly lovely Cosette both vocally and as an actress.”
Yvonne Erlandsson, Skånska Dagbladet, Sweden
“Mia Karlsson makes a charming Cosette and sings beautifully.”
Tony Kaplan, Kvällsposten, Sweden

New Year Concerts with the Tivoli Orchestra

From a concert in Bornholm

“Mia Karlsson sang herself into the hearts of the audience with a soft and warm voice”.
Bornholms tidning
“When Mia Karlsson and Trine Gadeberg sang “I know him so well” no eyes were dry.... You literally held your breath”.
Bornholms tidning

Grant from Torsten Tegstam fond

“Born in Staffanstorp, she has risen on the wings of song. She has played the lead in productions such as The King and I, Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast and she is currently garnering great success playing Cosette in Les Misérables at Det Ny Teater in Copenhagen. Mia Karlsson has an amazing voice, and we in TSO would like to congratulate a very deserving recipient of the grant of the Torsten Tegstam fond of SEK 10 000.”
(Motivation for the grant from the Torsten Tegstam fond

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